Heart Disease & EECP in Europe
Friday, July 21, 2006
  Heart Disease & EECP in Europe
This blog has been set up for patients to share their experience in the use of EECP - External Enhanced Counterpulsation - to alleviate their symptoms of heart disease, especially angina. EECP in the United States has been extensively covered on the Internet, both professionally and for patient experience. It has also been used as a procedure in other parts of the world - indeed much of the early work was done in China.

EECP has been used also in Europe and I felt it would be useful to new and existing patients to relay some background and experience in the European context. European health systems are different to the US and the use of EECP could be vastly expanded with a corresponding increase in the quality of life for many people. I believe also that with the right organisation significant savings in healthcare support budgets for angina and heart failure patients can be made. Hence this blog has been set up . I hope that it will both help potential patients to understand more rapidly what is involved and also attract comment and information from health care professionals on its use.

Much of the information available on EECP has been written for medical professionals and is surrounded by a dense thicket of jargon, making it difficult for most people to follow. I am an engineer who has benefited very much from a course of EECP and I hope to post a description of the procedure that I hope will be easier to understand. I'll try to avoid engineering jargon! - we're just as bad as any other profession.

HP Masher - Rye Harbour UK

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For patients and professionals with an interest in coronary artery disease (CAD)and heart failure (CHF). External counterpulsation (EECP) has been a great help to many patients by reducing angina and other debilitating symptoms. Being comparatively inexpensive its use in Europe should be expanded to improve quality of life and reduce healthcare bills. Start from the bottom (oldest post) and work towards the top. Comments are welcome - Click on the 'Comments' tab at the end of each post

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