EECP stands for External Enhanced Counter Pulsation – surely one of the least mellifluous terms in the medical dictionary. No wonder medics lapse into abbreviated jargon so easily – they would be candidates for throat surgery had they to repeat such terms more than once a day. So it is EECP to most people. This note explores some of the background from the layman’s viewpoint and is to help patients in understanding the treatment. The author does not have a medical background and so any mistakes are entirely my responsibility!
In short EECP is a non-invasive method of modifying the flow of blood through the heart by applying external pressure through cuffs fitted around the legs. Quite a mouthful to think about but the basic principle is quite simple. If you apply a tourniquet to your arm or leg then very soon you suffer pins and needles because the external pressure has squeezed the arteries, limiting the blood flow to the area. EECP cuffs do the same thing but more gently, the squeeze being timed to modify the blood flow around the heart , rather than cut it off in the leg.
During the session the blood flow pattern is checked occasionally by monitoring the flow of blood in the finger using a device called a plethysmograph – a long name for a smart piece of kit. An infrared beam is shone through the finger and a detector monitors how much of the light is absorbed by haemoglobin, the red component of the blood; the greater the blood flow (or volume) the greater the absorption. The therapist uses the display of blood flow through each heart beat to tune the equipment for best results.
EECP is usually recommended for people with heart disease of various types, lumped under the general term of cardiovascular disease (CVD). It is used in various parts of the world to treat other conditions also, but let us concentrate on heart disease. This means there is something wrong with the heart and/or its associated valves, blood vessels or nerves. Each individual patient is only too well aware of the drastic effects such disease can have on their quality of life. In physical terms the regular operation of the heart muscle and associated blood vessels is impeded, whether by fibrillation or blockage of the coronary arteries or malfunction of one or more valves. A common effect is angina, the pain experienced due to lack of oxygen supply to the heart muscle when trying to respond to the body’s demands. Stable angina can be very debilitating and lead to significant loss of quality of life; unstable angina, pain that varies rapidly, can be dangerous and should be reviewed by a medical professional as soon as possible after the onset.
EECP was devised as one way of helping this refractory group. One of its great attractions is that it is non-invasive – there is no need to carve holes in the body to gain access! Another great benefit is that it is remarkably safe – any side effects, eg skin chafing, are minor. The procedure has been a long time in development – over 30 years – and there has clearly been a long learning curve in design, test and introduction of the procedure to the cardiology community. The early work was done in
Anything that therefore improves the action of the heart muscle will tend to reverse the progress of the disease.
The heart pump works by regular contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle around 4 chambers through which the blood flows, one way valves at the entrance and exit of each chamber allowing the blood pressure to increase to overcome the resistance of the body’s blood vessels. To do this 40 million times a year the heart needs a very reliable control system and a source of energy.
The energy for the heart to work comes from arterial blood; this is provided primarily through the coronary arteries. These spread out into a network of capillaries and fresh blood for each heart cell diffuses through from the capillaries. If insufficient blood is available, either due to blockages in the coronary arteries or faulty diffusion then the cells go short of energy and cannot operate properly. The result is very often angina or worse, heart attack.
Blockages or restrictions in the coronary arteries can occur because of atheroma, the build-up of fatty deposits. These build up in the walls of the coronary arteries and narrow the diameter of the artery. Narrowing also occurs as part of the body’s own control mechanism; the need for blood supply in the body varies all the time and one of the range of controls is to widen or narrow the blood vessels to cause less or more resistance to flow as required at the time. The body has a range of hormones and enzymes that control the diameter of each blood vessel, release of which is controlled by the nervous system. Clearly these have to operate very rapidly – just think how quickly you blush when embarrassed or excited! These hormones and associated chemicals have their main effect at the surface wall of the blood vessel – the endothelium, causing the cells to relax or contract. Narrowing is controlled by one set of chemicals and expansion by another set, so keeping the balance from second to second is crucial to the heart’s (and your) wellbeing.
If atheroma interferes with the flow of blood, so also will it interfere with the arrival and reaction of the control chemicals at the endothelium, reinforcing the spiral of ill effects. Some of the drugs prescribed for heart problems are designed to help the process of relaxation of the blood vessel, both improving the flow of blood and supplementing the natural reactions near the wall of the vessel. If these methods do not work properly, e.g. because too much fatty tissue interferes with flow even with medication and changes in lifestyle, the cardiologist will try to resolve the problem by either placing a stent in the diseased section or bypassing it completely with a graft. Both these are drastic interventions and EECP has been developed as another procedure to add to the battery of alternatives available, with the advantage of being non-invasive.
Note also that atheroma occurs not only in the large coronary arteries, but also in the much smaller capillary network – the essential interface to the heart muscle cells, again leading to flow restrictions and blockages in that area.
So how does a pressure pulse supplement the chemical processes occurring at the wall of the blood vessel and the diffusion of blood through the heart muscle? Recall that the leg cuffs are triggered at the point of closure of the aortic valve – the heart muscle has started to relax, which in turn removes the squeeze on the coronary arteries themselves, lowering their resistance to blood flow – the diameter increases. The coronary arteries are connected to the aorta just above the aortic valve so the pressure pulse sweeps into the coronary arteries with very little resistance. Because the aortic valve is closing, it does not affect the inside of the heart chamber (ventricle) in the same way.
This is where medicine and engineering get very close to each other as disciplines. Engineers get very interested when pressure waves occur in tubes because they cause several effects, especially at the surface boundary of the tube. Flow in anything - a tube, the atmosphere, a blood vessel - occurs because of a difference of pressure, the greater the difference - the greater the flow. A rapid change in pressure causes a rapid change in flow and, because of the friction caused by the uneven surface of the tube, these flow changes cause vortices. Vortices effectively stir up the fluid, leading to a speeding up of any chemical process that may be occurring. A good analogy for this effect is that of stirring a cup of tea (a vortex) to get the sugar to dissolve more rapidly. Hence the hypothesis is that an EECP pressure wave causes a significant improvement in the production and balance of the chemicals controlling the dilation and contraction of the coronary arteries – a good thing!
The result is that angina – essentially a signal that the heart muscle does not have enough oxygen to meet the demand upon it – should be reduced or, perhaps, even eliminated.
Every patient with coronary disease is unique. Each individual’s problem is made up many factors:- age, sex, genetic background, physiology, extent and degree of coronary and other disease, etc. The combination of these factors means that the individual’s response to treatments available is going to be different. Therefore it is difficult for the health care professional to be certain of the outcome of any individual course of treatment. He/she has to work from a combination of observation and shared experience in recommending any treatment.
This caution is as true with EECP as any other treatment. However, as already noted, it has great benefits from the patient viewpoint. One of the best medical principles is ‘Primum, non Nocere’ – ‘First, Do no Harm’ , and EECP certainly scores highly in this respect. . Because each patient has a unique set of symptoms inevitably, however, there will be a minority who will be disappointed, experiencing no perceived benefit. Clearly practitioners and websites discussing EECP will accentuate the positive aspects; therefore peer-reviewed results in medical papers are vital in evaluating the effectiveness of EECP
The experience of each patient is also an essential input both for the professionals evaluating the procedure and for patients contemplating a course of treatment. The reaction is overwhelmingly positive; there are several blogs and message threads showing these reactions [references TBA]. Most of these were generated during 2002-2004; for some reason more recently treated patients have been more reticent even though the results are still very good. The author – who has recently finished a course of treatment in the
The discussion will, I hope , also cover the health economic benefits within the large state- funded medical systems in Europe such as the NHS in the UK